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Calm | Mineral Milk Bath


Find your bliss with this delightful medley of essential oils. This unique blend of Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Mandarin, Marjoram and Patchouli will encourage deep breathing that helps reduce tension and create serenity. Prepare to slip into a state of relaxation with the quieting elements of CALM.

16 oz.

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Euphoria | Mineral Milk Bath

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Repair | Mineral Milk Bath


Additional Info

Ingredients:  Epson Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Organic Lavender Buds, Coconut Milk, Rhassoul Clay and Lavender Essential Oil.

How to Use:

Sprinkle 1-2 handfuls of our salts into our bath and enjoy. For extra indulgence simply add a few of drops of Triple Scent Home & Body After Shower Oils to your bath.


Be sure to drink plenty of water while you detox and soak.

Since our salts are all natural and do not contain any anti clumping agents they may gather in the container after settling. The remedy, tighten lid and shake to disperse the salts.